
Most professionals are not data scientists or statisticians. We all deal with data in one form or another and constantly need to understand what the data is trying to tell us. Data analysis and visualisation can be daunting.

That is why learning R can be incredibly useful in your journey in becoming data fluent. Knowing R can help in easily manipulating data, producing engaging visuals and reproducing reports efficiently.

Our courses are designed to keep the professional at the centre of the learning process. Training involves relevant worked examples that can be applied in your business setting.

Everyday R: Foundations in R
(Morning Half-Day)

It can be challenging to know where to begin with learning R and what is relevant for your needs. This course will provide you fundamentals on importing, manipulating and analysing data. Content is framed around relevant worked examples and a series of exercises.

  • The basics of R

  • Data transformation and wrangling

  • Importing and exporting data

  • Summarising and analysing data

  • User access to course materials

  • Bonus! 30-minute private R session with the trainer!

Find out more!